Sid:? I believe this is why there are so many angelic visitations, people dying from a medical viewpoint going to Heaven and then coming back to talk about it.? People experiencing Hell and over the year we have interviewed many people that have had these encounters.? And I have put together the ten best stories in two CD?s called ?Life After Death? because one thing is true and that is when you die you do not cease to exist, you either go to everlasting life according to the Book of Daniel, or Heaven, or you go to everlasting separation, or Hell based on your choice while you were alive.? Since the Bible says you live once and then comes the judgment.? What?s I?m doing this week is I want you to hear portions of these amazing stories.? And you may know someone that died that is in Heaven and you and family members are still grieving when you hear these stories you?ll be grieving, but not for those that went to Heaven because they?re having the time of their life.? And many of you know very little about Heaven, this will give you insight, although it?s all Biblical most don?t really understand it and when you hear these graphic descriptions you?ll recognize that Heaven is really your home.? And you on assignment on planet earth so each day you?re going to hear portions of these testimonies and then each day I?m going to tell you how you can get the two CD?s it?s nine different people with ten testimonies having to do with Heaven or Hell.? My favorite part of my interview with Gary Wood, he?s a man that died and went to Heaven, is when he saw the parts room and he saw the body parts that are waiting for all of us. Many heard music from Heaven and many years later that same music was birthed on earth, but this proves that it?s origins were in Heaven. Then when he saw the books, the records in Heaven of everything that people have done and what happens when someone turns to Jesus, and how it?s like a giant blood eradicator that eradicates all the bad things they?ve done.
Let?s take a listen to Gary:? Gary was a good Christian, good church going Christian; sang in churches but on December 23, 1966 he was in an automobile accident and tell me briefly what happened on that date.
Gary:? Well, Sid I was coming home and my little sister and I had just been at a high school class reunion and she was singing ?Silent Night, Holy Night,? and I was just captivated with her beautiful soprano voice. Suddenly she just let out a blood curdling scream and I turned and looked and there was horror x?d across her face.? And then later I would learn what happened.? We actually crashed into the back of a 10 ton wrecker truck that was illegally parked on the edge of the highway late that evening.? I was caught up in a cloud and angels literally put their wings underneath me and lifted me up and begin to carry me out of my body into the realm that?s known as eternity.? And they begin to sing ?Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive glory and power, wisdom and dominion.?
Sid:? Did you know what was going on at that time or where you just totally confused?
Gary:? Well, there was no confusion there was just absolute peacefulness Sid. Just a tranquility, joy beyond anything that I had ever experienced and total absence of pain.
Sid:? Get me so hungry for my real home; paint me a picture of what you observed with your eyes in Heaven.
Gary:? Well, I saw the twelve foundations of the city with the bottom one being jasper; that stands for diamonds.? In Exodus chapter 28 the Bible talks about the stones on the high priests breastplate and the first foundation is jasper, the second is sapphire which is blue. The third is chalcondy, a combination of gray, blue and yellow emerald, sardius, blood red, crystal light beryl which is blueish green, topaz which is pale green or golden.? Just imagine all of those colors and the combination of them.? The twelfth is purple and it may not mean anything, but a scientist put into his computer and they discovered it would take seven of this worlds accumulative wealth just to garish one of the foundational stones of this beautiful city, I saw twelve gates of pearl where the twelve tribes of Israel written upon them.? Heaven is as large as from the most northern part of Maine to the most southern part of Florida, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Rocky Mountains.? But the Bible says ?In my Father?s house are many mansions and if it weren?t so I would have told you? and I actually say saw my mansion, I went into my mansion that I will live in for all eternity.? I went into a library that contained prayer requests in it; it showed books where we grow in our walk with God and it also showed people that we have won to the Lord.? And I literally ?
Sid:? Are you telling me there are books with say your name and then the name of the people you won to the Lord, is that what you are saying?
Gary:? That?s exactly what I?m saying because the most important thing to the heart of God is winning people to Jesus.? And Sid I actually saw this, I saw a man come down and accept Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior at an altar. Then there were people in Heaven and they were sitting on the hillside like bleachers and they were cheering for us, they were pulling for us.? You know in essence they were saying, ?Hey I?ve been faithful, I?ve run my race, I?ve done what I was assigned to do, now you fulfill your calling and come join us here in this beautiful place called Heaven.?
Sid:? Jeannette Mitchell died on the operating table and had a nine hour visit to Heaven, listen to her experience.? The very first thing you saw when you were absent from the body, tell me; the first thing that you can remember seeing.
Jeanette:? Well, the lights of Heaven which are the Messiah and I saw Him.
Sid:? How did He look?
Jeanette:? Well, there is peace and such a bright, bright light if you were looking at Him in your flesh you couldn?t stand to even look at Him because it?s so glorious.? But you know I don?t know maybe 5?10 or six feet I don?t know height that much.
Sid:? What color hair?
Jeanette:? Sort of brownish dark.
Sid:? And just I?d say if you had to give it a description of Him you would probably just talk about His love.? Did you see His love in His face, in His eyes.
Jeanette:? It?s just His love it permeates His whole being, I mean that?s the thing that it?s just the love and the peace and the glory of God is all around, and his love and peace engulfs you.? And even when I had to come back I didn?t want to leave because of the love and peace, I mean I agreed to come back but you just don?t want to leave because?
Sid:? So you really relate you your daughter wanting to stay.
Jeanette:? Oh, sure.
Sid:? Okay, you saw the Messiah, what else did you see when you got up there?
Jeanette:? Well, the gates are twelve gigantic pearls, the streets are solid gold, God?s not cheap they?re not paved with gold that old hymn I once heard said, they are solid gold.? And the walls are precious stones and they are so bright, I mean it?s just vibrant, vibrant colors I mean it?s just glorious and the music is just worship and adoration it?s just the most wonderful place to be.
Sid:? Did you see your daughter?
Jeanette:? Yes.
Sid:? You did, was that right away or was that after awhile?
Jeanette:? After a little while.
Sid:? Oh, I guess you got to tell me about that.? Tell me about the reunion.
Jeanette:? We were in a garden and my daughter was wonderful it was just great to be there, she was so happy and it?s just?
Sid:? Was she happy to see you?
Jeannette:? Yeah, (laughing) and it was definitely a mutual feeling but there is such a higher level of living there.? I mean you don?t just die and float on a cloud; you?re an integral part of everything that God is doing in this earth and in this whole universe.
Sid: ?How about your grandparents?
Jeannette:? Well, they were, I didn?t see them in the same place but they were in Heaven but I saw them and I saw my great-grandma and I saw other relatives too.? Not a lot of them because God told me before I left a lot of them didn?t make Heaven which wasn?t very nice but.
Sid:? Out of curiosity did Jesus talk to you?
Jeannette:? Yes.
Sid:? Tell me what He said.
Jeannette:? He told me that He loved me and you know we just kind of talked about different things in general but then He said, ?I had to come back or He wanted me to come back.?? And I said, ?Well, how come I can?t stay because I didn?t want to stay before.?
Sid:? Well you daughter stayed why can?t you stay?
Jeannette:? Well, He said, ?I have something different for you to do and when you?re finished you can come back home again.?
Sid:? Did He tell you what that different thing was?
Jeannette:? No, but He said, ?I know each step of the way.?? And I started to cry, but I had agreed to come back and I knew had to because I had given my word and your word, you know that is it.
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