Saturday, June 30, 2012

French bid 'adieu' to Minitel, the France-Wide Web

France pulls the plug on the Minitel this weekend, a home ? grown precursor of the Internet which brought on ? line banking, travel reservations and even sex chats to millions a decade before the World Wide Web.

In a country where resistance to all things "Anglo-Saxon" runs deep, the Minitel evokes both pride at French technological prowess and regret that the country failed to capitalize on the commercial online network, launched in 1982.

By its peak in the late 1990s, some 25 million people in France were using Minitel's 26,000 services, ranging from checking the weather to buying clothes and booking train tickets.

But its creator, France Telecom, was unable to sell the clunky system overseas.

"With the Minitel, we invented a lot of today's technology," said Jean ? Paul Maury, former director of the Minitel project at France Telecom.

"A terminal accessing a service located at the end of the world, that was born with the Minitel: by that I mean the Internet and all online networks."

Aficionados are preparing to mourn the passing of the network, ironically enough, on the Internet. On social networking site Facebook, groups have sprung up to prolong its memory, proclaiming: "No to the end of the Minitel".

For many French, the Minitel is a reminder of a time when their country ? often criticized for stifling entrepreneurial innovation ? was at the cutting edge of modernity.

Under Socialist President Francois Mitterrand, the France of the 1980s led the world with its bold modern architecture ? like the glass pyramid outside Paris' Louvre museum ?? its groundbreaking TGV high ? speed train, and supersonic Concorde passenger plane.

Originally designed by France Telecom as an online directory to save paper, the Minitel was a drab, box ? like terminal with a keyboard that used ordinary telephone lines to transmit information.

The technology it used, videotex, was nothing new ?? Britain already had Ceefax, the U.S. NAPLPS, and Germany was preparing to launch its Bildschirmtext.

Its unique feature was the wealth of services it inspired, accessible via the dial ? up code 3615. The most famous of these was "Minitel Rose", or "pink Minitel", a plethora of sex chats that encouraged some users to run up astronomical phone bills.

Johnny Hallyday Of technology
The government played a role in championing the technology, financing the distribution of millions of free terminals to ensure widespread pick ? up.

But like France's national pop icon Johnny Hallyday ? once dubbed "the greatest rock star no ? one has ever heard of" ? the Minitel never caught on outside the country.

An expansion into Ireland ? seen as a beachhead to the Anglo ? Saxon world ? proved a commercial flop as the terminals were not free.

"People were amazed and kept coming to see how it worked. But you had to be able to develop the low ? cost terminals and then construct all the services and other countries didn't want to make the effort," Maury said.

While the Internet protocol was standardized in 1982, introducing the concept of a world ? wide network of computers, it was not until the mid ? 1990s that restrictions on commercial traffic were lifted.

Since then the rapid growth of Internet services has made Minitel obsolete but many in France still use the plastic boxes.

France Telecom estimates 670,000 terminals are in circulation, mostly used by farmers to exchange information on cattle and by doctors to transmit patient details to the national health service.

Family doctor Bernard Cointreau, 58, admits he's one of a dying breed. His tiny surgery in Paris' cloistered Place des Vosges is a throwback to a different era, when computer graphics were pixilated mosaics and global computer viruses were the stuff of dystopian nightmares.

He says patients often giggled when they saw the greying Minitel box perched on his antique desk.

"It's sad that it's going because we really had something revolutionary at the time," he said, adding sheepishly: "Computers aren't really my strong point so this system suited me fine."

For the mushroom ? colored box, however, this is not the end of the road. Some 90 percent of the terminals will be recycled in Portet-sur-Garonne in southwest France, with their plastic casing turned into car bumpers and metals reclaimed from the electronic components.

(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2012. Check for restrictions at:


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Wheelchair track at Sports Backers a success

0 Ratings | 5 Video Views


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By: BRAD BESS | Richmond Times-Dispatch

Sports Backers Stadium was the site Friday for the track competition at the National Veterans Wheelchair Games. Even with temperatures reaching more than 100, athletes were not deterred.

Track competition is broken into classes based upon disability; however, multiple classes are run simultaneously. The individual times are then recorded and medals are handed out to each class' top three finishers. Final results won't be available until tonight's medal ceremony.

The first two races of the afternoon session had to be canceled because of the heat, but fans still saw plenty of intense racing. In particular, they saw Orlando Perez win heat races in the 400-, 200- and 100-meter events.

"Never doubt a veteran," said North Carolinian Lloyd Kelso, who served with the Army's 82nd Airborne Division. "It doesn't matter where we go ??. we just do the best we can for our country and lay it all on the line."

Heat and 2011 heart attack notwithstanding, Kelso held nothing back in his 100- and 200-meter races. He finished second in both and is a medal hopeful.

"In the 200, they took off like rabbits on me and I said, 'Uh-huh, this isn't going to work.' And so I told myself, 'Let's go, let's go, let's go.'?"

In the 100, Kelso said, "We all took off about the same and then the guy that was in Lane 3, I think ?? he was on me, and I just told myself, 'He's got to go, get rid of him.' So I kicked it then."

The 400-meter races got the competition started. Perez, who returned to the games after a successful effort last year, finished first in his heat with a time of 1:11:53.

In the second 400-meter event, William Fry crossed the finish line first with a time of 2:14:86.

There were three heats in the 200 meters. Winners were Thomas Strang (1:12:31), Perez (35:43) and Bradford Carlson (50:29).

The day finished with four 100-meter heats. Chatriex Goodson (34:79), Perez (19.13), Sam Hudson (23:75) and Carlson (23:75) finished first in their heats.

"I thought it went well," said event co-chairman Ted Baker. "The biggest obstacle was the heat, but we made a few changes and were still able to get through almost all of the events. ??. I thought it was a success overall. We've been working hard on it for over a year now, so it's nice to see all of it come together and see athletes coming in from all over the country to compete."


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What Business Continuity Lessons Can Be Learned From The Algo ...

Algo Centre Elliot LakeHurricanes, floods and earthquakes occur in nature all the time. Although there are seasons when certain types of natural disasters are more likely to occur, something like a flash flood, for instance, can happen anywhere in the world at any time of the year. So, when managed IT services providers recommend that their clients create disaster recovery plans, the clients often focus on the natural disasters and forget about things like structural failures, power outages and cyber criminals.

A roof collapse in the Algo Centre Mall in Elliot Lake, a city in northern Ontario, on June 23, 2012, killed one person and injured several others. At least nine people remained missing as of June 27. Water damage is the suspected cause of the collapse.

This type of tragic event could happen anywhere. If the roof of your office location suddenly collapsed ? we hope while everyone is gone ? could you continue to do business as usual, or would you have to start making apologies to clients because everything you need is trapped under heavy debris? That?s why disaster recovery plans are so important. Disaster can strike anywhere at any time ? and it doesn?t have to be natural.

Too often, business owners put off or simply refuse to create disaster recovery plans for their businesses because they don?t live in ?disaster-prone areas.? A roof can collapse on any business. A car could crash through one of the walls of your building and take out your server room. The area where your office is located could suffer a black out. A hacker could infiltrate your company?s network and upload a virus that corrupts or deletes important company files. A careless employee could accidentally delete important company files, or a disgruntled one could deliberately dump valuable data just for spite. The list goes on and on. Life is unpredictable. If you?re truly committed to the success of your business, you must have a reliable disaster recovery plan in place.

Some steps you could follow are:

  1. Establish reliable backups for all of your company?s systems. With things like VoIP technology, even phone systems and email can be backed up and accessed within minutes if necessary.
  2. Create a schedule for checking backups to ensure that important company information is indeed backed up, viable and stored in a safe and secure remote location.
  3. Create a list of people to take responsibility for tasks such as contacting clients, vendors and employees if a disaster strikes, etc.
  4. Create an action plan that includes naming who takes over if you or someone else is injured or otherwise unable to work.
  5. Have disaster recovery drills, maybe on the same day as you have scheduled fire drills. This will ensure that when disaster does strike, everyone will know what to do.

Disaster comes in many forms. ?Don?t discount your need for a disaster recovery plan because you don?t live in an area that?s regularly plagued with hurricanes, tornadoes or wildfires. Consider more likely events such as structural failures, power outages and villainy.

Does your Calgary business have a disaster recovery plan in place? ?If you are not sure and you think your business data maybe at risk, call CTECH right away. ?We can help.

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Friday, June 29, 2012

Energy & Space Exploration

Aerospace and defense systems developer Sir Charles Shults will discuss his work with alternative energy sources, the discovery of new extrasolar planets, the new rover which will land soon on Mars, and the concept of mind uploading into virtual worlds which could lead to a form of immortality.

Website(s): Book(s):


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Lukas "lzap" Zapletal: Android SDK emulator audio on 64bit Fedora 16

And this is how to get audio working on Android SDK device emulator on Fedora 16+ 64bits. First of all you need 32bit java (OpenJDK works, but take care) and some libs:

# yum install glibc.i686 glibc-devel.i686 libstdc++.i686 zlib-devel.i686 ncurses-devel.i686 libX11-devel.i686 libXrender.i686 libXrandr.i686

Now if you run the emulator with some debug settings, it turns out some 32bit libraries are missing:

# emulator -avd MY_AVD_NAME -debug audio

I have tried various combinations of OSS PulseAudio wrapper (padsp) until I found it works using default setting; ALSA using PulseAudio perhaps. Install those:

# yum install pulseaudio-utils.i686 pulseaudio-libs-devel.i686 alsa-plugins-pulseaudio.i686

And run emulator as usual:

# emulator -avd MY_AVD_NAME -debug audio

Happy Android audio hacking. I call it a day!


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Horoscopes 06-28-12 | Arts & Entertainment | South Philly Review

CANCER (June 21 to July 22): The chance to handle a new level of responsibility arrives. Others are watching to see how you handle these duties. Lucky number: 368.

LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22): A sudden realization about a past issue serves as motivation to adopt a healthy habit. Responses to situations are outdated and don?t serve you. Someone who has been there will offer support if asked. Lucky number: 630.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22): You may have to finalize travel plans and get on the road. Advancing a relationship depends on you making a stronger commitment. Lucky number: 762.

LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22): Popularity will seem to come out of the blue. Don?t question this desirable development. Approaching an influential person with suggestions for working together could lead to a new path. Lucky number: 613.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21): An agreement regarding living space will favor you by taking a firm stand. Don?t waste energy trying to convince someone of your position. Lucky number: 296.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21): Seductive powers are heightened today. Trying them out on someone who is normally considered out of your league could be quite successful. Expressing confidence will reveal what a catch you are. Lucky number: 347.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19): A change in scenery and company does wonders. New sensual experiences along the journey may freshen outlook. Lucky number: 053.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18): Tension could escalate at home if you don?t keep cool. Don?t get pulled into the chaos. Fulfill responsibilities quickly and diligently. Lucky number: 968.

PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20): Alienation will give way to a sense of belonging. The disclosure of a secret suddenly makes everything look more promising. You will find out that you are not alone when someone divulges a similar conviction. Lucky number: 428.

ARIES (March 21 to April 20): Look to home for a novel way to make extra cash. Consider a yard sale or beginning a home business, but you also may think of something unique. Lucky number: 189.

TAURUS (April 21 to May 20): This is a good day for making intentions known. If this person needs prompting, spelling out desires will force your amorous interest to divulge if you two are going in the same direction. Lucky number: 824.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20): A conversation could suddenly turn into a passionate encounter. Romantic possibilities are everywhere, but you are likely to visit a new haunt. Lucky number: 573.

To inquire about a personal reading, call Mystic Terry at 215-467-5162.

Contact the South Philly Review at

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    Mandy Moore is pretty smokin. I wish I was cool enough to date her. Does anybody know how I can get her number?

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    Thursday, June 28, 2012

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    Kat Von D and Scroobius Pip: New Couple Alert!

    After Jesse James cheated on her 19 times and she got engaged to him on almost as many occasions, Kat Von D is moving on and stepping out.

    With her new boyfriend, English rapper Scroobius Pip.

    Yup, that's his name. Well actually it's David Meads, but he goes by Scroobius Pip, half of the electro hip-hop duo dan le sac Vs Scroobius Pip.

    Kat Von D PhotographScroobius Pip Photo

    Although he’s not all that well known in the English music mainstream, Pip had some success last year with his solo album, Distraction Pieces.

    Von D and her rapper beau looked cozy as they shopped on trendy Melrose Ave., but the romance could end up being merely a vacation fling.

    Pip hails from (and still resides in) Essex, England, which may put a strain on their relationship, as he is headed back there in the near future.

    Another potential hangup? Her would-be married name of Kat Von D Pip.


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    Dubai Marketing ? They Don't Just Build Web Sites, They Build ...

    A Web site will never gain any foothold on the competitive world of the internet, without proper planning, innovative Web design and the right Internet marketing approach which helps drives traffic and customers to your Web site.

    To succeed on the Internet, you need a reliable partner to help you tailor a unique online strategy to meet your specific requirements. You?ll probably need the guys from dubai marketing to make this a reality.

    A Successful Web Site Needs Expert Solutions And Long-Term Approaches

    A Web site will be able to generate all the traffic, leads and sales that it can handle, if it has a well-coordinated Internet marketing strategy.

    A good online marketing approach utilizes tools like search engine optimization (SEO), article, blog and video marketing, e-mail marketing and a social media strategy.

    An online business also needs an experienced partner who?s more than able to support the business throughout the process, and will also be able to answer all your queries or concerns. This is where dubai marketing comes in.
    What Dubai Marketing Offers

    Dubai marketing is a comprehensive Web development and business solutions provider that offers targeted online strategies and solutions for suit all Web business requirements. They offer the following services:

    Web Niche Research ? A niche refers to an area of expertise where your Web site is anchored on. Once you?ve determined your niche online, you won?t need to compete with thousands of other Web sites for attention and customers.

    The company provides comprehensive niche research, to properly identify the market niche where your online business can thrive and dominate.

    Domain Registration And Hosting ? If you?re planning to expand your business presence online, you need to consider registering your domain. A domain name is one which you can use to refer to your Web site.

    Examples of domain names include ? or ? Websites Dubai will take charge of your Web design, hosting and rental concerns.

    Content Marketing ? Writing and publishing content on the Worldwide Web is part and parcel of an innovative and broad online marketing approach called content marketing.

    The basic premise of content marketing is that a person writes abut a familiar topic or niche, has his work published.

    Once the published work is found by online information- seekers, the articles or topics subtly promote relevant product offers to their visitors or readers.

    Dubai marketing is good at implementing a content marketing strategy for its customers. The articles they create are designed to generate a wider online audience, based on tangible information regarding your market niche.
    Dubai Marketing provides articles and blogs that slowly make you the ?expert? in your chosen market niche.

    Lead Generation ? Lead generation is a marketing term that refers to the generation of customer inquiries, or interest, into an online business? product or service.

    The leads can be generated through list-building, lead-generation software, newsletter acquisition or through search engine optimization.

    Websites Dubai helps your Web site set up a system for efficiently collecting leads, in a manner where they can easily be followed up.

    Search Engine Optimization ? SEO refers to the process of improving a Web site?s ?visibility?. The process can be done in a variety of ways, from natural to algorithmic search results.

    With SEO, the more a web page appears on the top of the sear results list, the more visitors and prospective customers will be able to view it.

    Apart from the online business solutions offered by Websites Dubai, they also provide innovative social media strategies for enhancing the visibility and likeability of your Web site.

    At dubai marketing social media approach, your Web site will be integrated with many of today?s popular social networking sites, from Twitter to Facebook. With the phenomenal growth of social networking sites, businesses will have a new environment for generating links, attention, and large amounts of traffic.

    Ramapati Singhania specializes in creating and managing web businesses. His latest website dubai marketing focuses business incorporation in Dubai.

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    About The Father's Business: PR - Christian Author Releases Her ...

    From the depths of a mother's heart comes forth, "Dearest Children - Why Have You Abandoned Me"

    T.R. Lipscomb releases her first book, "Dearest Children-Why Have You Abandoned Me?" that shares her heart-wrenching tragedy of betrayal, loss and heartache. Come read her story and be encouraged that the Lord is still in on the Throne and has good plans for your life! Filled with scripture, the author courageously shares her mother's heart as she watched her marriage and the life that she once knew fall apart, bit-by-bit. Although tried in the "furnace of affliction", she emerges healed and whole wanting to encourage others that are going through their own trial to not lose heart and not to throw away their confidence in the Lord. She boldly proclaims God's Word over her circumstances and yours wanting others to know that the Lord can heal any circumstances, even the impossible ones.

    Keeping in mind that the Father in Heaven is nothing but good and only has good intentions towards ALL of His children, the author displays trust and closeness in the Lord that can only be obtained through a fiery trial. If you have devastating circumstances in your life whether it be a loss of a loved one or the loss of children, consider this book, as it is will filled with scripture that encourage and uplift you to a new reality of faith in your Heavenly Father. One can also identify with the author in her circumstances and know that we are never alone in our afflictions, but there are others suffering the same as well.

    Dearest Children Why Have You Abandoned Me? was selected Winner of the 2011 Indie Excellence Award in the category of Current Events: Political/Social Change.

    T. R. Lipscomb is the co-founder of the Women's Support Ministry of Southern NJ, that offers support to women with a loved one who is incarcerated. The ministry serves under the Wings of Eagles Ministries, Inc. T. R. Lipscomb has been teaching at the community college level in the Delaware Valley region for over 20 years.

    The author is available for television / radio interviews and would also consider speaking engagements. You may reach the author at

    Be uplifted and encouraged by T.R. Lipscomp's new book release, "Dearest Children-Why Have You Abandoned Me?" Available at Amazon.

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    Run fast, drink tea: Abs Diet 3 weeks in

    When I was on my travels in the lovely St Lucia, I embarked on some light pool time reading - the abs diet! Luckily this was the perfect time to read it - no other distractions (apart from when the next mango daiquiri was going to arrive) meant I could read it from top to bottom and really discover how potentially brilliant a book it actually was.

    So, I started the diet three weeks ago today, and although I'm going to post properly once the 6 weeks is up, it's nice to recap half way in.

    I felt and actually SAW results almost instantly - within a week I'd lost half an inch from my waist and could see actual improvements in my 'one pack'. I also loved the eating plan from the get go and feel every day I am getting enough food and enough nutrients to never feel hungry, deprived or like my body isn't getting what it needs.

    I explained briefly what the premiss is a few posts ago, and am finding this style of eating pretty much spot on for me. It is (dare I say it) perfect.

    A typical day looks like this:
    Breakfast of a smoothie made from berries, milk, protein powder and add in's such as flax
    A mid morning snack of natural yogurt and an apple
    Lunch of salad with sliced turkey and chopped veggies, followed by an orange
    Afternoon snackies of an ounce of almonds and strawberries
    Post workout snack of a protein shake blended with milk and berries
    Evening meal of meatballs made with lamb, a homemade tomato sauce and whole wheat pasta.
    Throughout the day - shed loads of water and tea :)

    I'm hitting my 5 a day without evening trying and my food feels so much more balanced. I no longer really think about having something sweet after my evening meal - it's not part of the plan (unless it's my cheat meal!) so I don't even crave it. Yes - on to the cheat meal! Once a week, the plan suggests you eat literally anything you fancy for one meal. It apparently trips your metabolism into working harder for that one meal, and of course is a bloody great big treat :) So, for that meal I have been having whatever I fancy along with some sort of dessert and a few drinkies.

    I can't wait to see how I feel in the next few weeks. I am beginning to wonder, why on earth did I not think of this before??

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    Wednesday, June 27, 2012

    Legal Aspect of the Grant of Right to Build (?Hak Guna Bangunan ...

    Under Article 35 paragraph (1) of Law Number 5 of 1960 on the Principle Provisions of Agrarian (?Agrarian Law?), it is stated as follows:

    ?Right to Build is right to establish and to have buildings over land that is not his own, with a maximum period of 30 years.?

    Right to build (?HGB?) may be extended with a maximum period of 20 years as a request from right?s holder and bearing in mind the need and state of buildings. Subject who can be the holder of HGB is an Indonesian citizen or legal entity that is established under Indonesian law and domiciled in Indonesia. Legal entity is an institution that is given a status as legal entity, such as the Limited Liability Company, Cooperative, the Association of Unit Owners and Occupants of the Condominium, and the Foundation.

    According to the Government Regulation of Republic of Indonesia Number 40 of 1996 on Right to Cultivate, Right to Build, and Right of Use Over Land (?GR No. 40/1996?), the granting of HGB over a right of ownership is performed by the holder of right of ownership through a deed made by Land Conveyancing Officer (?Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah/ PPAT?). The granting of HGB over a Right of Ownership is made by an agreement between the holder of Right of Ownership and the prospective holder of HGB which is stated in the deed that is made by PPAT. The granting of HGB over a right of ownership shall be registered at the Land Office (Kantor Pertanahan). The period of HGB that is issued over the right of ownership is maximum 30 (thirty) years and may be renewed with the new provision of HGB based on the agreement that is implemented on the deed which is made by PPAT and the respective right to build shall be registered in the local land office (kantor pertanahan setempat).

    Under Article 41 of Agrarian Law, it is stated as follows:

    ?Right of Use is the right to use and/or collect the results of the land that is directly controlled by the State or land owned by others, who gives the authority and duties which is specified in the decision by the competent official or in an agreement with the owner of the land, which is not a lease agreement or the agreement to cultivate a land, all things that are not contrary to the spirit and provisions of this law.?

    ?The granting of Right of Use over Right of Ownership is performed by the holder of Right of Ownership through a deed made by Land Conveyancing Officer (?Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah/ PPAT?). The granting of right of use over the right of ownership shall be registered on the land book in the Land Office. The right of use over the right of ownership also binds the third party since it is registered. The period of the right of use over the right of ownership is maximum 25 (twenty five) years and it can not be extended. Right of use over the right of ownership may be renewed with the new provision of right of use based on an agreement between the holder of right of use and the holder of right of ownership, as implemented on the deed which is made by PPAT and shall be registered on the local land office.

    Alsha Alexandra Kartika

    Technorati Tags: Agrarian Law, Legal Aspect, Right of Use, Right to Build, Right to Own

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    This entry was posted on June 26, 2012, 1:00 pm and is filed under Agrarian. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

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    Tuesday, June 26, 2012

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    Corporate money men fill the political void at Rio+20

    Move over Ban Ki-moon, the corporate money men are in town. That was the message from the final hours of the otherwise damp-squib Earth Summit in Rio de Janiero last week.

    On Friday, as delegates prepared to go home, UN officials toured the halls explaining why the official declaration struck by government delegations earlier in the week, titled The World We Want, was so devoid of concrete commitments to fight planetary perils and injustice.

    "We can't legislate sustainable development in the current state of international relations," said Achim Steiner, head of the UN Environment Programme. There was no political leadership, and hence no political commitment to protect the oceans, and only platitudes where there should be schemes to uplift the poor and create a green economy.

    But despite the political void, the organisers could still claim a major success. Corporations, who were largely absent from the first Earth Summit in Rio 20 years ago, were coming to the table, Steiner said. Where politicians shrank from commitments, corporations were overflowing with them.

    The conference secretary-general Sha Zukang said some 1500 business leaders had attended the summit, and had stumped up half a trillion dollars of corporate cash to fund various UN agendas, though it was unclear how much of this was new money and how much was simply mainstream corporate investment.

    Among the new corporate actors at the heart of UN policymaking on the green agenda is Chad Holliday, chairman of the Bank of America and former president of DuPont. He is now also co-chair of the Sustainable Energy For All initiative led by UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon that aims to unlock private investment to deliver its eponymous pledge by 2030. The initiative would be "the greatest public-private partnership of all time", Holliday said at the summit.

    Ban's energy plan, which was heavily promoted by UN officials throughout the conference, aims to connect 1.3 billion people to electricity and end the reliance of more than 2 billion people on lung-damaging charcoal and firewood for cooking. It also has targets for doubling the contribution of sustainable sources to world energy, and improving energy efficiency.

    Business had already pledged $50 billion, said Holliday's co-chair of the initiative, Kandeh Yumkella, director-general of the UN Industrial Development Organization: "More than a billion people will benefit." Business too, agreed Holliday. "Companies are here because they see opportunities."

    The energy plan is seen within the UN as a prototype for achieving the kind of sustainable development goals that the conference agreed should be drawn up in the next three years. Ban said that in future "business leaders [are] to be part of the creation and promotion of new sustainable development goals."

    The conference could not agree on what the goals should cover, but topics are likely to include food, water supply and transport. The Asian Development Bank, along with seven other development banks, announced that in the coming decade it hopes to mastermind public and private investment of $175 billion on greener transport systems in developing countries, including railways, buses and more fuel-efficient vehicles.

    For many here, the future of the UN's activity in promoting sustainable development looks less like a coalition of national governments driven by common goals, and more like a series of corporate initiatives.

    Tim Wirth, a veteran US environmental policymaker who now heads the UN Foundation, which aims to link up the UN system with business, told a press conference that this new world order was on view already. "Public-private partnerships are the dominant theme here in Rio," he told a press conference. "The official document is less important."

    If you would like to reuse any content from New Scientist, either in print or online, please contact the syndication department first for permission. New Scientist does not own rights to photos, but there are a variety of licensing options available for use of articles and graphics we own the copyright to.

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    Many feared dead in Uganda landslide on Mt. Elgon

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    The Spilled Milk Blog: Satellite Phones

    With the increase of enemy attacks, along with possible crippling of the cellular networks, guests in conventions have found the viability of leasing satellite cell phones, finding the sole method to communicate anywhere with anyone at anytime. A high level wild living photographer, looking for major limbs in the greatest jungles, the location where the need to communication becomes tough, the satellite phone will likely be of much used in times of you want to communicate. Satellite tv for pc phones are mostly useful in spots with no terrestrial national infrastructure or in spots where the national infrastructure is not useful, such as, typhoon inflicted places, flood affected areas, etc.

    Nowadays, leading market sectors including, Iridium, Globalstar & Thuraya are providing satellite cell phone solutions, with every of them supplying their own unique benefits and advantages Satellite phone sales. There are various options for you to choose via, with the greatest phone choice depending upon you and desired destination, remembering that the satellite cell phone does not always offer global coverage or means world cell phone. You may look at the various sites which report on the types of cell phones available from diverse companies, showcasing the features using coverage location and prices. It is recommended that a person review the facts and numbers before contemplating on using such a satellite phone.

    Satellite tv for pc phones manufactured its introduction in The nineteen nineties with a lot of anticipation. While commercial applications of these kinds of phones would not commence throughout earnest right up until about 3 to 4 years back, the actual satellite cell phone companies experienced a lot of hard weather, declining financially along with technically. Several problems are out there even today, every time a satellite operator's system fail. There could be other reasons also.

    Iridium satellite is proud of over A hundred,000 members with its Sixty six satellites and is supposed to be just behind Globalstar using 115,500 subscribers. Iridium has applied for one more spectrum of 3.1MHz to meet it's growing demand of about 1,000 new subscribers monthly. Satellite cell phones are expensive and expensive to operate, yet somehow it acts the purpose throughout communication its keep is no other way of communicating.

    A satellite phone, called 'satphone', is a cell telephone technique, that communicates directly while using orbiting communication satellites along with depending on the system architecture, the coverage may be world-wide, or limited to specific areas. These types of cell phones generally works with the reduced orbiting geostationary satellites (LEOs), which is thought to provide a larger coverage far better communication clearness. The size of any satellite cell phone is comparable to the scale and fat of the mobiles that were used in the overdue 1980s as well as early The nineteen nineties and has a big retractable aerial. The phone equipment itself is referred to as a terminal.

    The gap between a satellite phone and that of a cellular mobile phone is the fact that, while you talk to the nearest base station in the event of a cellular phone, a satellite phone communicates with the nearest satellite. This type of satphone internet connections do not rely on any system. Some of this kind of communication technique covers a big area, with the aid of multiple reduced orbiting geostationary satellites, relaying the actual signals from one to the other in order to connect you to the actual destination that you wish to be attached.

    Some of the satellite phones make use of satellites throughout geostationary orbit, maintaining practically total world-wide coverage working between three or four such geostationary satellites, thus minimizing cost. You will need to note that geostationary orbiting satellites are placed at about 22,500 to 25,000 miles above the Globe. The LEOs, as the name implies, are much reduced in space in the Earth, 300 to Seven hundred miles, and as such, a single satellite has constrained coverage. Therefore multiple these kinds of satellites primary your contact to the necessary destination. Alternatively, LEOs provide better communication clarity when compared with geostationary satellites, due to the inherent postpone that it introduce. The least postpone with such geostationary satellites is 0.5 just a few seconds and this is really a major disadvantage of geo stationary geostationary satellites.

    In case of satellite phones contacting geostationary satellites, the key disadvantage is the fact that, the phone uses a large aerial system regarding signal tranny and reception. In such cases, the actual antenna has to be of large gain, that needs a lot more power to operate. Consequently the size of the phone also increases and will be in comparison to the size of terrestrial mobiles in the past, in accordance with the current tiny terrestrial mobile phones. Satellite tv for pc phones demand a clear take a look at the sky to use and will not purpose inside a constructing, car or even a boat. It will require exterior antenna technique to operate in these environments. This is clearly a life threatening disadvantage.

    Inside working of the cellular phone, the principle is based on splitting up an area in to zones as well as base areas called 'cells'. Because you communicate whilst you move, you depart a particular zone and enter another. Your own call can be handed over from a previous cellular where you had been, to the an alternative one where you are at the moment passing through. Your communication is digitally switched on the cell what your location is in. Every single cell phone plus your Sim card using hold sufficient information regarding the actual identity of your respective mobile handset and therefore the system is aware of where to locate a person when you are leaving one cellular and entering the other.

    Inside remote places, such communication is not possible as a result of the absence of cellular network. Maybe you have experienced which, while using the mobile handset, as you approved different zones, at a certain area, a person lose the connection. The particular cell phone system apparently ends there. The particular network runs using the principle involving 'line of sight', so that the towers, build for cellular communication, have to be able to see each other. Within each and every cell the actual communication is bound to about Thirty one miles, as the crow flies. Interaction difficulties occur in spots where the podium of the cellular that you have just left can not properly start to see the tower of your respective present cellular zone. This particular creates decreased calls as well as breaking up involving voices. You'll find ofcourse other reasons regarding such occurrences satellite phone plans.

    Satellite cell phones do not have these kinds of restrictions, except it needs either the crystal clear view of the sky or an exterior antenna to use. When you turn on your satellite phone, the actual signal goes up to the geostationary satellites and will get hooked on to that particular one or even a set of geostationary satellites, with which you happen to be registered. When coming up with a call, the coverage that your contact should have, is decided and its relayed from one satellite on the other. About reaching the actual destination, the actual signal can be directed to the appropriate Earth stop, from where it can be directed through the gateway the actual to the contact destination. If you need to be contacting a satellite phone from a mobile, any reverse motion takes place. The particular gateway processes the call along with switches the call information. If you need to be contacting another suitable satellite cell phone from your own, your contact information is sent up to the actual satellites, that is then transported to the Globe station. In turn the Earth stop transmits that back to the actual satellites then connects you to the known as satellite cell phone.

    Satellite telephone is becoming increasingly more necessary while using radio frequency bandwidths acquiring exhausted and that he wire lines cannot be fixed to everyone the parts of the earth. Satellite cell phone technology is regarded as a formidable invention to hold communication opting this world, having its ability to enable you to communicate actually on the move and any part with this planet, no matter where you are. When you're lost in a expedition, any satellite cell phone with you would likely prove to be any life-saver. You will be consistently in touch with any area of the world along with your phone.

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    USAID cuts funding for Elmo on Pakistan TV

    The US cut $20 million for Pakistani version of Sesame Street. USAID alleges fraud against the show's producers, but the cutbacks come as the US is pulling back foreign aid.

    By Scott Baldauf,?Staff writer / June 6, 2012

    Pakistan?s version of Sesame Street ? complete with an Elmo who squeals in Urdu ? is facing a cutback in support from USAID, America?s Agency for International Development.



    Pakistan?s version of Sesame Street ? complete with an Elmo who squeals in Urdu ? is facing a cutback in support from USAID, America?s Agency for International Development.

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    The cutbacks come amid allegations of fraud by the Lahore-based theater group that produces the children?s show, the Rafi Peer Theatre Workshop, but it also comes at a time when the US-Pakistani relationship is strained, and when the US government is cutting back dramatically on foreign aid worldwide.

    USAID allocated $20 million for the production of Sim Sim Hamara (which means ?Our Street? in Urdu), and $6.7 million of that was used to produce the first season, which premiered in 2011. The remainder of the contract has been terminated, pending the results of an investigation into the fraud charges.

    "We did launch an investigation into the allegations. We also sent the theater workshop a letter that terminates the project agreement," US State Department spokesman Mark Toner told a news briefing in Washington on June 5. "No one is questioning, obviously, the value and positive impact of this kind of programming for children. But this is about allegations of corruption."

    Faizaan Peerzada, Rafi Peer?s chief operating officer, denied the fraud charges, saying in a statement, ?Rafi Peer is proud of its association with the project and the quality of children?s educational television programming created within Pakistan as a result.?

    Whatever the ultimate result of the investigation, the shutdown of funds into children?s broadcasting in Pakistan come at an unfortunate time in the US-Pakistani relationship.

    NATO airstrikes and US special forces raids on Pakistani territory have strained Pakistani patience with the US-led war on terror, and Pakistan has shut off NATO?s use of Pakistani roads and ports to resupply its troops in Afghanistan. The US, meanwhile, has grown increasingly frustrated with what it sees as signs of either Pakistani collusion with militant groups such as the Taliban, or incompetence in bringing them under control.

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    Monday, June 25, 2012

    Samsung: Galaxy S III sales expected to total 10 million by July

    Samsung Galaxy S III sales expected to total 10 million by July

    Korea's golden goose is on track to drop its 10 millionth Galaxy S III by July, according to Samsung mobile head Shin Jong-kyun. The expectation comes despite limited supply, fueled by a component shortage at the smartphone giant. Regardless of this notable shortcoming, Samsung has wasted no time getting its latest handset to market, and expects to deliver the 4.8-inch Galaxy to some 300 carriers in 147 countries by the end of next month, including all of the major UK carriers, along with AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon in the US. The sky-high figure is merely an estimate, however, so investors may want to stay tuned for the official announcement before uncorking the Dom. Full details are at the source link below.

    [Thanks, Joseph]

    Samsung: Galaxy S III sales expected to total 10 million by July originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 25 Jun 2012 13:06:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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    Georgia County Church Zoning Laws Unconstitutional?

    June 23, 2012|12:16 pm

    Lawyers for the Christian-based ADF, who filed the lawsuit on Thursday, said Rockdale County is refusing New Generation Christian Church access to several different properties for its worship services because the properties are less than three acres. The restriction does not apply to nonreligious groups.

    "Government officials should not use zoning restrictions to close down religious services of small, start-up churches," said ADF Senior Legal Counsel Erik Stanley. "Not only is it irresponsible to target small ministries dedicated to serving the community, it's unconstitutional and violates federal law."

    Rockdale County's zoning code restricts churches from meeting on property of less than three acres in any zoning district but does not similarly restrict other groups, ADF stated. The county's code also requires churches to obtain special use permits and prohibits them from locating in limited industrial districts. These restrictions do not apply to nonreligious groups, including sports centers, day care centers, libraries, performing arts centers, recreational clubs, and educational institutions, according to ADF.

    New Generation Christian Church has been struggling with county officials over zoning restrictions for quite some time.

    In February of last year, the county denied the church a meter to heat a building it rented, citing the zoning code's three-acre limit on churches. The following month, the church applied for another meter for a different building, but the county refused the request on similar grounds.

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    Last month, the church requested permission to rent the vacant property they initially occupied, but the county again denied the request for the same reasons, forcing the congregation to meet in the inadequate basement of a jewelry store.

    "As a small, start-up church, New Generation cannot afford to purchase or lease a property of three acres or more," ADF lawyers said.

    "Under the city's requirements, only nonreligious groups and large, wealthy churches can find an adequate place to meet," Stanley explained. "This is exactly why federal law protects churches from arbitrary and subjective zoning decisions."

    The lawsuit argues that the zoning code violates the church's free exercise of religion guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, a federal law which protects churches and religious groups from burdensome and discriminatory zoning law restrictions on their property use. Along with the lawsuit, ADF attorneys filed a motion that asks the court to suspend the county's restrictions while the case proceeds in court.

    Wyoming pastor Duke Tabor, who often writes about issues of religious freedom, believes Rockdale is using its zoning laws in a way that violates the U.S. Constitution.

    "Government may not make a law prohibiting the establishment of religion. The county of Rockdale Georgia has done just that," Tabor writes. "By requiring churches to own or rent at least 3 acres of land, they have made a law prohibiting the establishment of religion."

    He continues, "So once again we have another case of people who are singling out religion and trying to use city and county zoning laws to prevent churches meeting or bible studies to gather."

    Tabor would like Christians to not be apathetic to not only the New Generation Christian Church v. Rockdale County case, but the seemingly increasing number of cases in which the government is restricting religion in the public square.

    "This tactic is not happening in Communist China or the former USSR, but it is happening right here in America," he writes. "Are you going to put a stop to it? Are you going to stand with these believers and demand Government get out of the religion regulating business? Are you going to check your own town or city and demand changes to their zoning laws? Or are you going to turn a blind eye since it doesn't directly affect you? Who will speak up for you when the government infringes on your religious liberties?"

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    Sunday, June 24, 2012

    White House Accuses GOP of Ignoring Jobs, Threatens to Veto GOP Jobs Bill

    Mexico election unlikely to reshape drug war

    MEXICO CITY ? Six years into a ghastly drug war, none of the top candidates in next Sunday's presidential election has offered a significant new strategy to win a conflict that has claimed more than 50,000 lives and terrorized Mexican society.

    Instead, the politicians emphasize reducing the increasingly brutal violence, as they seek to address the concern that weighs heavily on the minds of outraged Mexican voters.

    The goal of dismantling the cartels was the hallmark of outgoing President Felipe Calderon's administration, and the candidates' cautious approach to the drug war suggests a tacit acknowledgment that, at this point at least, it remains an unrealistic one.

    A close examination of the candidates' proposals offers little sign that the drug-war dynamic will change significantly in the short term.

    "There is nothing that they are talking about that would dramatically change the current situation," said Ana Maria Salazar, a security analyst in Mexico and former official in the Pentagon. "There are some small differences, but the reality is everything they are putting on the table is mid- or long-term."

    Like Calderon, the candidates advocate sending the army that has waged the war back to its barracks, but only after regions of the country have been pacified and a competent policing force has been put in place ? neither likely to happen soon.

    Like Calderon, the candidates stress the need to focus on money-laundering by drug traffickers; to bolster the judiciary; and to create more jobs, social programs and drug-use prevention schemes to discourage youths from joining cartels. Although these all formed part of Calderon's strategy, he made little progress, and any effort to accomplish them by the next president would require considerable time to produce results.

    The candidate whom polls show most likely to win the election, Enrique Pe?a Nieto, comes under special scrutiny in his security platform because of his party's past ties with the cartels. The Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, which was ousted from the presidency in 2000 after seven decades of uninterrupted rule, is known to have made deals with major drug traffickers in the past in exchange for peace and payoffs.

    Pe?a Nieto has repeatedly had to reassure Mexican and international audiences that his government would not revive those tactics ? even as several former governors and other officials from his party are under investigation for allegedly working with drug cartels. Several states that have always been run by the PRI, such as Tamaulipas and Veracruz, are also fiefdoms of unabashed cartel control.

    "We will not have a truce with those who attack the life, liberty and property of our citizens," said Pe?a Nieto, former governor of the state of Mexico, the country's most populous. "The new focus will be to protect the citizens."

    In interviews, stump speeches and news conferences, Pe?a Nieto said he would concentrate on reducing homicides, kidnappings and extortion but also would continue to attack the cartels' top and mid-level command structures.

    "We should combat violence by centering our attention on fighting homicides, kidnapping and extortion, which seem to me the crimes that generate the greatest insecurity among the population," Pe?a Nieto said. But, he added, "the army, the armed forces, will remain on the street as long as there aren't optimal conditions for them to return gradually to the barracks."

    Pe?a Nieto, 45, also proposes creating a gendarmerie of 40,000 soldiers under civilian command that would gradually replace the army in patrolling violent parts of Mexico and supplement a federal police force that he would also expand. Except for its use of soldiers, the proposed unit sounds very similar, in terms of training and duties, to the national police agency that Calderon has been trying to mold.

    Part of the reticence to take a dramatically different tack is the sheer complexity of a vicious tangle of traffickers who have proliferated in number and grown in brutality, with an ever-deepening ability to corrupt authorities.

    Differences among the candidates' proposals are of emphasis rather than substance.

    Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, representing a coalition of leftist parties, stresses social root causes of the drug business. He says military force should not be the "central axis" of restoring peace, but he has no plans to quickly withdraw the estimated 45,000 army and navy troops deployed countrywide.

    Lopez Obrador trails Pe?a Nieto by a wide margin but has been inching up in polls.

    Josefina Vazquez Mota, of Calderon's conservative National Action Party, would go bigger than her rivals by expanding the federal police force to 150,000 agents, nearly four times its current size. Although her proposals hew most closely to the current government's, Vazquez Mota also speaks emphatically of reducing violence and "making Mexican families safe."

    The first female candidate from a major party, Vazquez Mota is vying with Lopez Obrador for second place in polls.

    Pe?a Nieto bristles when asked whether a new PRI government would pactar, or make deals, with drug traffickers. His advisors, however, have acknowledged the wariness in Mexico and, especially, in Washington.

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