Sunday, December 30, 2012

Unlocked iPhone 5 on T-Mobile worth it? or Nexus 4?

Hey there. I would like to start out by saying that I have been an Android user for 3 years now on T-Mobile. I dont want to say im anit-Apple, but more of im just not a fan of Apple products. (Im a big pc nerd, been building PCs for 5 years now) The only thing im a fan of is iPod. But recently with the iPhone 5 being out, I have actually started to like the iPhone more. Mainly because it finally now has a 16:9 screen, which is a huge deal for me. Also im sick of Android not having good development. Everything for mobile is made for iPhone first and then usually terribly ported to Android. Also I like the fact of having both my iPod and phone in one.

Ok so here are my problems. Since im on T-Mobile, I will have to get an unlocked iPhone 5. (And yes it has to be a 5 because i cant deal with the smaller square screen) One is the price, and two is the network. Since T-Mobile's network does not fully work with the iPhone I would get either 3g or Edge depending on where im at. Since I live about 40 minutes south of Chicago I should be fine on getting 3g most of the time. But next year in the fall of 2013 ill be going to Southern Illinois University where there is no 3g tower. Also im not sure if you know about it. But the head CEO of T-Mobile came out and said on December 6th, 2012 that T-Mobile will be getting LTE in 2013 and that they will be carrying "Apple Products".

The other problem is the cost. To get an unlocked iPhone 5 16gb is $650 which is a lot. But on the other hand I will only technically be paying around $200 for it because I will be selling my HTC Amaze 4g which sells for about $200-250 on ebay. Also my iPod Touch 4th generation 32gb which also sells for about $200 on ebay. With this said its still a lot to say Im spending $650 just on a phone.

So with all of this said what do you guys think? My main concern is the network. I will technically be downgrading since I do have a 4g device now. But I also have read that the 3g is the same speed as normal T-Mobile 4g. Also my other option is going with a Nexus 4 for only $299. (But im getting really sick of waiting for it to come back in stock.) So what do you guys say? Unlocked iPhone 5? or stick with Android and wait for the Nexus 4?

Thanks, Kenny


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